A few other minerals are associated with blue lace agate. Dogtooth and other forms of calcite crystals, clear quartz, gypsum, dolomite, ankerite and small, golden blocks of siderite have been noted. Here is a selection:

Calcite and siderite – view 3 cm

Calcite – view 2 cm

Dog tooth calcite and siderite

Large cube (1 cm3 ) calcite in quartz crystal lined vug
Two varieties of calcite on quite a purple piece of chalcedony. 5 × 2 cm
 Mauve amethyst crystals lining two different vugs. Tallest is 7 × 16 cm.
 Layers, from bottom, of dolomite, chalcedony, botryoidal calcite, and more chalcedony on top. 11 × 4 cm
 Chalcedony has grown over bubbles of calcite on Blue Lace.
Below is the reverse side of the same specimen. 11 × 2 cm
 A pretty example of a broad band of pink chalcedony, between two layers of blue, on green dolomite.          10 × 8 cm
 Gypsum on dog tooth calcite on Blue Lace on massive green dolomite. 14 × 7 cm
 Botryoidal calcite on drusy quartz on Blue Lace on green dolomite. 18 × 9 cm
 Rosettes of dog-tooth calcite lining the vug surrounded by Blue Lace, massive green dolomite and with a small coating of ochre-coloured smectite to left. 15 × 15 cm
 Another lining of dog-tooth calcite. 20 × 9 cm