Calcite and siderite – view 3 cm
Calcite – view 2 cm
Dog tooth calcite and siderite
Large cube (1 cm3 ) calcite in quartz crystal lined vug
Two varieties of calcite on quite a purple piece of chalcedony. 5 × 2 cm
Mauve amethyst crystals lining two different vugs. Tallest is 7 × 16 cm.
Layers, from bottom, of dolomite, chalcedony, botryoidal calcite, and more chalcedony on top. 11 × 4 cm
Chalcedony has grown over bubbles of calcite on Blue Lace.
Below is the reverse side of the same specimen. 11 × 2 cm
A pretty example of a broad band of pink chalcedony, between two layers of blue, on green dolomite. 10 × 8 cm
Gypsum on dog tooth calcite on Blue Lace on massive green dolomite. 14 × 7 cm
Botryoidal calcite on drusy quartz on Blue Lace on green dolomite. 18 × 9 cm
Rosettes of dog-tooth calcite lining the vug surrounded by Blue Lace, massive green dolomite and with a small coating of ochre-coloured smectite to left. 15 × 15 cm
Another lining of dog-tooth calcite. 20 × 9 cm